This is a sequel to last week’s list, this time with male authors.

To start off today’s list, I have a bonus series for both lists. It was written by a male and female author and it technically doesn’t belong in the list because it’s a blend of science fiction and fantasy, but I had to mention it because it’s fantastic.

That series is the Aurora Cycle by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.

And now, the list, which I’m starting with the book that inspired the making of the lists.

1. Tigana - Guy Gavriel Kay

2. Small Gods - Terry Pratchett

3. Wolfsong - TJ Klune

4. Abhorsen trilogy - Garth Nix

5. The day I swapped my dad for two goldfish - Neil Gaiman

6. The aeronaut’s windlass - Jim Butcher

7. Tress of the Emerald Sea - Brandon Sanderson

8. Goth Girl and the ghost of a mouse - Chris Riddell

9. The once and future king - T.H. White

10. The midnight library - Matt Haig

The one author I changed books for most often was Neil Gaiman. He had written a shelf of favourite books, but in the end I went with the book that made me laugh the most.

Over the past week I’ve gathered another ten books by female authors so… I will post another list soon 😀

I promise to write more about writing soon, but as I said in the previous post, reading is essential for authors and this list of books brings inspiration in droves!

Enjoy reading!