I have had a couple of tough years, due to chronic pain and having to isolate with covid, and it made me lose touch with my creativity, my writing most of all.

Until I started this blog, I hadn't blogged for over two years, and I missed it.

I also haven't finished a story in years, either.

I did write poetry, but poetry writing is different for me, it just flows. But, I haven't written my longer form poetry in a long time, either.

So this year, I decided to give myself a month or so to really play with my writing, because I missed it terribly.

And I chose an unusual approach: every day I could write what I wanted. If I wanted to write about a man cycling on Mars, I could do that. If I wanted to write a romance scene, I could.

And if I wanted to continue with it the next day, I could. If I wanted to stop and write something else? I could. I had NO rules.

I could even choose to throw it away.

I just went on instinct, and I did everything it told me.

I wrote so many things, mostly fiction, some things now live in my ideas folder to expand on. Others were different, failed romance scenes for instance, and a start of a story of a man in a bar that led nowhere. I even wrote something akin to fan fiction without naming the characters involved.

Some of those stories don't exist anymore, because I did delete them.

I also wrote blog posts, especially after I discovered that omg.lol has a weblog function.

And then something clicked.

I wrote the start of a story in verse, and I found I liked doing that, but the story didn't really go anywhere, so I abandoned it.

The next day, I wrote another story in verse, and that one, I really liked.

The next day I wrote a journal entry to go with the same story, and then realised this could turn into an unusual novel? My main character is a girl who journals about big changes in her life, and this girl happens to write poetry.

I just loved to write both her journal entries and her poetry, today I'm going to try a letter!

I have no idea where the story goes, and that excites me!

And I don't need to know. All I need is to open Google Docs, and write the next thing. The next scene that excites me.

And this book excites me.

So, the experiment worked! I have found something that excites me.

Isn't that brilliant?